Wednesday, 29 February 2012

last week for this semester =(

___________THURSDAY 1 MARCH 2012___________

today is a last day we meet Miss Zu because this week is the last week for this semester....
so,,we just enjoy in the class....
before we make a party,Miss Zu want discuss about the pop quiz that we had done last tuesday..
Miss Zu said many problem are come from introduction..
I think it very hard to write an introduction because it must have a hook, transition and thesis statement =(
even I group with the people that have an ability to write a good essay,but my group just got 14/20 because of me... I'm so sad........ =(

after discussing, Miss Zu give us many snack....Miss Zu buy the food using RM1 that she collected from those who came late.......

snacks !!
we just enjoy today and take a photo for memories =)

__________WEDNESDAY 29 FEBRUARY 2012__________

today we learn about  'TONE'
type of tone is :
  1. to entertain - story that describe something or someone in an interesting way
  2. to instruct - explain or teach something in the story that the reader doesn't know
  3. to persuade - tries to change our opinion on topic by appealing to our emotions
  4. to describe - describe other purpose in writing
example of tone words :

analyzing reading text :
-over-generalization - forming a general opinion based on inadequate examples
-quoting to the wrong authority - citing a person who is famous but is not an what he or she is talking about
-jumping on the bandwagon - trying to persuade reader to agree on an idea

 __________TUESDAY 28 FEBRUARY 2012_________

passive voice!!!! topic that we learn today....
sue,nina,bella and megat present about passive voice..

Passive voice is used when the emphasis is more on the object of a sentence rather than the doer.

example for passive voice is:
Pony eat  the chocolate cake.  (ACTIVE VOICE)

The chocolate cake was ate by Pony.  (PASSIVE VOICE)

this will help you =)

after the presentation,for last time Miss Zu give a POP QUIZ again..
but the quiz are in group... I group with Elya, Sue and Megat...
this is writing quiz...we must do an argumentative essay....
Megat - Introduction
Me - Body paragraph 1
Sue - Body paragraph 2
Elya - Body paragraph 3
Elya again - conclusion

1 comment:

  1. تعد شركة دهب كلين افضل شركة تنظيف ف الجهه الشرقية من المملكة العربية السعودية لانها تستخدم افضل العماله المدربين خصيصا لخدمات التنظيف كما انها تستخدم افضل الادوات والمعدات المخصصه للتنظيف ف الشركة تسعي دائما لكي تكسب وتنال ثقة وارضاء العميل
    بعض خدمات التظيف التي توجد في شركة دهب كلين
    شركة تنظيف بالخبروشركة تنظيف بالجبيل
    وخدمة شركة تنظيف بالدمام وتعد هذه الخدمة من افضل الخدمات
    فشركة دهب كلين تعتبر من اوائل وافضل شركات التنظيف التي تضم الكثير من الخدمات كما تقدم الشركة العديد من الخصومات ع خدماتها شركة تنظيف بالقطيف
